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Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Parlons des Pens

28/10/2014, 22:00
Rappel du premier message :

Je vais tous de même y aller avec du négatif... Mais que fou de fuccckking Ehrhoff depuis le début de la saison je le trouve très décevant il fou rien, présentement c'est notre pire défenseur même avant Scuderi. En plus je l'est dans mon pool et d'ici dimanche je vais probablement l'échangé contre Vatanen...

Dernière édition par rockstar le 28/10/2014, 22:08, édité 1 fois

Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

6/11/2014, 23:51
Habituellement je pogne les résumés de NHL. com ou les longs résumés de Captain Canada sur YouTube. Wink
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 00:01
Sa d'lair intéressant ton site youtube Captain Canada, je vais mettre sa dans mes favoris au cas ou je veux revoir des extraits thumb up
Date d'inscription : 06/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 20:37
Suis-je le seul a penser (rien qu'un peu) que les victoires des Pens ou ni Crosby, ni Malkin ne recoltent de points sont des partes de temps?!

Quand meme, fin de series pour Eugene apres 11 matchs en lignes avec un points.
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 20:42
Ladislav a écrit:Suis-je le seul a penser (rien qu'un peu) que les victoires des Pens ou ni Crosby, ni Malkin ne recoltent de points sont des partes de temps?!

Je te dirais que j'ai Crosby et Kunitz dans mon principal pool ($$$), et j'ai Hornqvist dans un autre.  Alors oui, une game comme celle d'hier me fait un peu chier....   Perte de temps?   Non car je ne l'ai pas écoutée...
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 21:17
Quand je vois que le premier trio et le 2e récoltes aucun points et vont très mal dans ce match dans plusieurs facteurs et malgré tous on gagne 4-3 sa m'encourage pour la suite des choses et les séries en me disant qu'on a enfin une équipe de 4 trios et on sait bien que de nos jours ceux qui se rendre loin ou gagne la coupe stanley c'est un pré-requis.

Suter(3 points), Spaling(1 point) Downie(2 points) en plus que les défenseurs avec le moins de temps de glace produise offensivement et apporte beaucoup dans tous les aspects. Depuis quelques années auparavant quand Malkin et Crosby fonctionnait pas on était faite ce qui n'est plus le cas maintenant.

Donc non pour moi c'est pas une perte de temps ce match malgré que j'ai eu une crainte tous le long qu'un des joueurs de Winnipeg en sorte un sur une civière tellement il joue salaud.

Dernière édition par rockstar le 7/11/2014, 21:25, édité 1 fois
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 21:24
rockstar a écrit:Quand je vois que le premier trio et le 2e récoltes aucun points et vont très mal dans ce match dans plusieurs facteurs et malgré tous on gagne 4-3 sa m'encourage pour la suite des choses et les séries en me disant qu'on a enfin une équipe de 4 trios et on sait bien que de nos jours ceux qui se rendre loin ou gagne la coupe stanley c'est un pré-requis.

Suter(3 points), Spaling(1 point) Downie(2 points) en plus que les défenseurs avec le moins de temps de glace produise offensivement et apporte beaucoup dans tous les aspects. Depuis quelques années auparavant quand Malkin et Crosby fonctionnait pas on était faite ce qui n'est plus le cas maintenant.

Voilà la réponse d'un vrai fan des Penguins!    Moi je ne suis fan que des Penguins que j'ai dans mon (mes) pool(s).

Une défaite des Penguins 6-5, dans laquelle Crosby récolterait 4 ou 5 points, Kunitz et Hornqvist 2 ou 3 chacun, ça me satisferait pleinement!

Ah oui, j'ai aussi Fleury comme goaleur dans un pool où je mène présentement, faque je préfère la victoire des Pens en fin de compte!
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

7/11/2014, 21:41
C'est vrai qu'au niveau du pool c'est une perte de temps comme match, de mon coté présentement je trouve que les Kings me fait perdre énormément de temps(Kopitar) lol
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 19:16
Yes! Premier even play point de Letang (qui faisait la job en PP).
01:21 PIT Kris Letang (2) Wrist shot - ASST: Sidney Crosby (13), Patric Hornqvist (9)
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 19:18
Lol! thumb up
03:31 PIT PPG - Patric Hornqvist (Cool Tip-in - ASST: Kris Letang (Cool, Sidney Crosby (14)
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 19:20
Le smiley Cool n'est pas volontaire de ma part il dire 8 ) sans l'espace entre le dit 8 et )...
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 19:47
On est entrain de revoir le Letang de ses belles années qui était à son meilleur thumb up
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 19:57
rockstar a écrit:On est entrain de revoir le Letang de ses belles années qui était à son meilleur thumb up

Le meilleur défenseur Québécois retrouve sa confiance et ses moyens! thumb up yes sir!
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 20:01
Hahaha j'avais même pas vu ça!:
15:04 PIT Kris Letang (3) Slapshot - ASST: Paul Martin (3), Sidney Crosby (15)

thumb up
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 20:12
Ça faisait un bon boute que Crosby n'avait pas scorer 4pts malgré sa régularité. Pis la game est jeune!
04:56 PIT PPG - Patric Hornqvist (9) Snap shot - ASST: Chris Kunitz (7), Sidney Crosby (16)
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 20:29
Une autre bonne performance des penguins mais maudit que Buffalo sont mauvais une équipe de ligue américaine

Dernière édition par rockstar le 8/11/2014, 20:44, édité 1 fois
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 20:37
Pas de caractère pentoute j'ai jamais vue une pire équipe que les sabres cette année, on les détruit il a pas grand temps 5-0 et on les affrontent de nouveau et c'est 6-1 après 2 périodes... Une vrai joke je me demande comment le Canadien on fait pour avoir de la misère contre eux dernièrement.
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 20:59
Le CH rush ces derniers temps malgré cette victoire contre les Sabres (de justesse) pis la il rush contre une autre équipe qui en arrache dernièrement avec leur top forward out...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

8/11/2014, 22:20
2bad pour Després qui pogne un poteau et se fait donner une pénalité pour une mise en échec légale... Sinon... Bonne game contre une équipe poche...
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

9/11/2014, 10:50
Ouin on dirait que les arbitres ont une dent contre Després parce que depuis le début de la saison il reçoit des pénalités presque à chaque match et la plupart du temps c'est des mises en échec légal... Sa doit être des amis de Dan Bylsma lol
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

10/11/2014, 16:14
Beau Bennett a 5 points en 2 match à Wilkes-Barre et +4, il était assigné là pour des matchs de réhabilitation. Bien hâte de le revoir avec l'équipe lui qui était notre meilleur joueur en pré-saison. S'il peut rester en santé il va être très utile sur le trio de Malkin à la place de Comeau.
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

10/11/2014, 17:09
Ouin ça chiale pas mal aux HFboards concernant les compagnons de trio de Malkin. Pourtant Sid a souvent jouer avec des 3rd liners...

Y'a un peu trop de hype sur Bennet dans le sens du sauveur requis. Ceci dit Comeau est un 3rd liner et si Beau peut arrêter de se blesser il va être un remplaçant plus qu'adequat imho. thumb up
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

10/11/2014, 17:34
Présentement sa va être difficile de déloger Downie avec Suter et Spaling sur le 3e trio de la façon qui jouent mais sa va augmenter encore plus notre profondeur et rajouter un scoreur sur le 4e thumb up . En espérant juste que Bennett se transformera pas en Havlat et être toujours blessé, parce qu'à chaque fois qui va bien et prends son rythme de croisière il se blesse...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

11/11/2014, 19:22
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What a kid! thumb up
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

11/11/2014, 19:50
Ehrhoff et Bortuzzo pas fort à soir...
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

11/11/2014, 19:53
Petite prédiction Harrington va jouer le prochain match
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

11/11/2014, 20:31
un match à oublier, je pense que je vais arrêter de regarder à moins qu'il est une remonter qui se produit...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

11/11/2014, 23:41
Je me compte chanceux d'avoir manquer ce match, je dormais... comme les Pens...
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

12/11/2014, 00:06
Barfman a écrit:Je me compte chanceux d'avoir manquer ce match, je dormais... comme les Pens...

Comptes-toi chanceux, tu aurais pu assister au match Avalanche / Islanders!!
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

12/11/2014, 00:07
Quoique ça se ressemble...
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

13/11/2014, 17:02
Les trios seront encore plus équilibré au prochain match

Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

13/11/2014, 17:06
Entouka Malkin semble bien content du changement et sa se comprends lol

“I’m excited,” Malkin said. “(Hornqvist) is a great shooter, good linemates. We’ll work together. Tomorrow is a new game, new lineup. I’m excited.”
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

13/11/2014, 19:19
Équilibre ok mais BB ne devrait pas jouer sur la 3ème ligne mais je suppose qu'on va l'interchanger
avec Spaling une fois qu'il retrouvera sa 'game shape'...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

13/11/2014, 23:21

Maatta says he's fine, ready to return

November 13, 2014 5:00 PM
By Stephen J. Nesbitt / Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

TORONTO — Nine days after undergoing surgery to have a cancerous tumor from his thyroid, Penguins defenseman Olli Maatta took another step closer to a return by participating in the team’s Thursday afternoon practice at MasterCard Centre.

Maatta, 20, took the ice briefly in the Penguins’ pregame skate Tuesday but did not participate in contact drills until Thursday. He won’t be in the lineup tonight when the Penguins face the Toronto Maple Leafs, but his return might not be far away.

“The way it looks today,” coach Mike Johnston said, Maatta will “definitely be back” earlier than the original four-week window scheduled for rehab and recovery. Johnston said Maatta could return in as few as five or six days.

“I want to come back [today],” Maatta said, with a laugh. “But I’ve got to take it easy first. I’ve got to make sure I’m 100 percent and can help the team win when I get back.”

Maatta strode into the Maple Leafs practice facility before practice sporting a black V-neck T-shirt that framed the three-inch scar running across the bottom of his throat. The scar will fade in time, he knows, and he’ll embrace what he now admits was a “scary” ordeal.

After practice, Maatta met with media for the first time since the surgery and confirmed the tumor was cancerous.

“That was what we expected,” Maatta said. “It doesn’t change anything.”

More than anything, he’s eager to stop talking about the tumor and refocus on hockey.

“I look at it as another bump in the road,” Maatta said. “It’s a really good thing we found it early. It hasn’t really bothered me before, and it’s not going to bother me again.”

Crosby on McDavid

Penguins captain Sidney Crosby knows what it’s like to be in Connor McDavid’s shoes, so he can empathize when a kid makes a kid’s mistake.

McDavid, the 17-year-old hockey wunderkind and likely No. 1 draft pick in 2015, was on pace to break the Ontario Hockey League scoring record, with 16 goals and 51 points in 18 games for the Erie Otters.

Instead, McDavid will miss 5-6 weeks after breaking a bone in his hand when he tried to land a punch in a fight Tuesday night and instead hit the dasher board. As of Thursday, Crosby, the top pick in the 2005 draft, hadn’t seen footage of McDavid’s injury, but he admitted it wasn’t always easy to toe the line between scorer and fighter as a young phenom.

“It’s tough,” Crosby said. “You don’t necessarily want to see him fight — that’s not his job. But I’m sure he’s got a target on his back.”

The key, Crosby added with a grin, is to “pick the right partner.” When asked whether he got into a fight as a junior player with Rimouski of the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League, Crosby laughed.

“Half of one, maybe,” he said. “They might have given me four minutes for roughing — I don’t know if I ever got the full five.”

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Patrick Knightly5 hours ago
Great news! Can't wait to see him in game action!
Reply 0

John Farrelly5 hours ago
Olli's attitude is great, "Didn't bother me before, and isn't going to bother me again." That is the way to deal with it. Good man.
Reply 0

Ken Bodziak6 hours ago
Great to hear that Olli will be expected back in the line-up late next week.
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

14/11/2014, 09:36
Barfman a écrit:Équilibre ok mais BB ne devrait pas jouer sur la 3ème ligne mais je suppose qu'on va l'interchanger
avec Spaling une fois qu'il retrouvera sa 'game shape'...

En pré-saison le trio Bennet-Suter-Downie jouait aussi bien qu'un 1er trio, la chimie était très bonne. Avec l'alignement actuel on a 3 premier trio. Mike Johnson comparé à Bylsma préfère répartir un peu plus le temps de glace sur 4 trio.
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

14/11/2014, 16:16
Ouin j'ai remarqué ça avec le temps de glace réduit de Crosby entre autre...

Bonne affaire ça si les Pens peuvent carburer sur 4 cylindres... Metal Shine Metal
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

14/11/2014, 19:33

Sidney Crosby, Chris Kunitz get 'new' partner with Dupuis
November 14, 2014 12:00 AM
By Stephen J. Nesbitt / Pittsburgh Post-Gazett
TORONTO -- After the Penguins lost their playoff series last spring against the New York Rangers, they dumped their general manager, head coach and third-leading scorer.

They lost another game against the Rangers on Tuesday night in New York, but new coach Mike Johnston has a simpler solution this time.

He's getting the band back together.

Two days after the Penguins were shut out by the Rangers, 5-0, the first-year coach reunited captain Sidney Crosby with his favorite 35-year-old, undrafted wingers, Chris Kunitz and Pascal Dupuis.

"There shouldn't be too much of an adjustment there," Crosby said. "We're pretty familiar with each other. We'll talk a few things out, I'm sure, but, for the most part, it should be an easy transition for all of us."

The trio skated together at the Penguins practice Thursday afternoon at MasterCard Centre, but Johnston would not commit fully to reuniting them when the Penguins (10-3-1) take the ice tonight against the Maple Leafs (9-5-2) at Air Canada Centre.

Before Tuesday, the Penguins had won seven games in a row. They hadn't been shut out or even held to one goal in any game. They had scored at least three goals in 12 of 13 games.

The Penguins are not suddenly a broken team, Crosby said, so the smartest move is to leave behind that game.

"That's one you've just got to forget," Crosby said. "Turn the page.

"You're pretty motivated after a game like that. We just didn't give ourselves a chance with the start we had. Sometimes, you don't have a great start and you can get away with it. For us, that night, they just filled the net early, and it was an uphill climb from there."

Crosby, the NHL's leading scorer with 24 points in 14 games, said the onus is on his line to find ways to create offense.

The coaching staff is hopeful putting Crosby back between Kunitz and Dupuis on the top forward line might provide more "depth of scoring," a term Johnston often uses to describe a well-balanced offense.

Shuffling the lineup, Johnston added, might have a trickle-down effect that could kick-start Evgeni Malkin, who has two points and a minus-3 plus/minus rating in the past four games.

The Penguins beat the Maple Leafs, 5-2, Oct. 11 in Toronto in a game that featured five power-play goals -- three for the Penguins, two for the Maple Leafs. Special teams likely will play a crucial role again tonight.

The Penguins' red-hot power-play has cooled off, dipping from an otherworldly 41.3-percent clip to 35.6 percent after scoring on two of 13 tries the past three games.

The Maple Leafs, however, own the sixth-ranked power play (24.1 success rate) after scoring three goals in four man-advantage situations Wednesday in their 6-1 victory against the Boston Bruins.

The Penguins have yet to lose consecutive games this season, but the Maple Leafs are 6-1-1 in their past eight games.

The difference will be in the details, Crosby said. And, perhaps, Johnston's preemptive strike of reuniting Crosby & Friends will bring the Penguins offense back to life.

Stephen J. Nesbitt: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] and Twitter @stephenjnesbitt.

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Jay Roberts4 hours ago
Is it coincidence or luck, or a matter of preparation and conditioning, but in the last 5 years under Blysma, the Pens were hit with a ton of injuries. Seemed every year, we would be missing 30% of lineup each week in some combination.

Yet, here under johnston, so far so good.... just weird.
Reply 0

Rob Pfaff7 hours ago
One bad game and you hit the panic button Coach? Well, guess we'll see if you were the right man for the job. Think this should have been the top line a month ago, but what do I know? All we can do is hope that #71 clicks with #72 and whoever else they skate next to, and end p being the best two lines in the NHL. It's a Hockey Night in Pittsburgh! Let's Go Pens!!!
Reply 1 reply0

Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
Hardly hitting the panic button by shuffling lines... If you were paying attention to Tuesday's game they actually went with these lines from about the 10 min mark of the 2nd period.. It's pretty simple!!!! As the season progresses the Pens aren't gonna win too many games getting production from the first line on most nights and the 3rd line on some nights. The second line is a total disaster with Comeau on it bc he's not a 2nd line player, and to this point the chemistry between Dupuis and Malkin is nonexistent. So instead of moving another player who more than likely isn't top 6 in Bennett with 71 and 9, they move Hornqvist who is able to play with everyone bc of his style. The only issue with the 2nd line now is is Spaling a legit top 6.. This team is another Right handed shooting RW away from being a legit contender.
Reply 0

Nikos Papathanasiou8 hours ago
I like and understand the switch. It's early in the season and you have to experiment with different combinations. Line shuffling will go on all year it's called coaching. This is something disco never did. I would also love to see Megna on that 4th line soon to add youth, speed, and some offense.
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Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
Megna add offense? He has 5 Goals in 36 NHL games that's not too much offense..
Reply 0

Forest Marsden8 hours ago
One, this doesnt mean its permanent. They simply have to go out and get a winger, a top six guy for Malkin's line. This is the trickle down effect of not drafting wingers and signing D men to 5 and 7 million dollar a year contracts. Thus u have a one million dollar winger in Comeau playing in a top six role instead of where he would excel on the bottom six, well because thats all you can afford. Ideally Bennett would take one of these spots but we all know that so far its not wise to count on him. Maybe that will change. They have to aggressively go out and find someone, and before the trade deadline so they are given adequate time to find their spot and mesh. Unlike the Iginla experiment. Then Horn can play where he should , on the top line. On a Cup team at this stage Duper himself is probably a 3rd line guy. Downie? again guys thats a 3rd or 4th liner you are trying to put in a spot where he doesnt belong. Unclog this D pipeline and buy yourself a forward or two.
Reply 4 replies+1

Peter Stanick8 hours ago
don't forget they could have Kesler
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Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
No they couldn't have had Kesler!!!!!! Ana offered the best package from the beginning bc they had two first rd picks, and a stud center who is younger than Kesler to add in return hence why they almost got him at the deadline. Plus Kesler is a true two-way centerman, so it's either play Geno on the wing - which he doesn't like- or play Kesler at a position where he's less effective. Either way it makes no sense to have him here.
Reply 1 reply+1

Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
2 first rd picks meaning they deal one and keep one..
Reply 0

Joe Tomlin6 hours ago
Well said, Forest, but I think we should wait and see where Horn is most effective. Me thinks it will be equally true with Malkin or Crosby. I agree with you on Dupuis, most definitely - he's a third liner in a perfect scenario. So trade Martin for a quality winger, for sure. Scuderi is likely not moveable, but I'm OK with that if he keeps up his current level of play.
Reply 0

chris opall11 hours ago
The first line isn't the problem. It is the 2nd line that hasn't done much at all 5 on 5. Maybe moving Dupuis up is just a byproduct of what the Pens really need to do without bruising egos; upgrading the 2nd line by moving Hornqvist down with Malkin.
Reply +1

Brian Scott11 hours ago
It is what you do in hockey. Every line on every team is shuffled thru out the season to find the best mix of talent to complement the coaches philosophies. This is a one line "sporting news" article that could of began and ended with the headline. And the lines will be shuffled again and again thru out the season. I suppose the 6-1 drubbing Boston took last night will be a reason for "panic" in New England.
Reply 0

Patrick Knightly12 hours ago
I like Hornqvist on that line. He's a natural goal scorer and is a good fit there.
Reply +1

Lauren Black12 hours ago
Hornqvist is not even mentioned in this article.This is a very poorly written article due to that omission.
Reply -1

Robert Fawcett12 hours ago
"That's one you've just got to forget," Crosby said. "Turn the page. How do you do that Sid when your team looked like a replay of last Spring?
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Joe Tomlin8 hours ago
Over-react, much Robert? You will hear that exact same phrase from every captain of every team in every league in hockey AT LEAST once a season. Teams lay eggs once in a while, for whatever reason. Oftentimes, there is no lesson to be learned other than to lace 'em back up and get back out there. RELAX.
Reply +1

Bill Gozzard12 hours ago
yimzers throwing you under the bus already Mike .LOL .THEY ALL KNOW MORE HOCKEY THAN YOU !!!!
Reply -2

Jeff Bush12 hours ago
I will be positive today...Lets see if the ranger game was a wash or not? Moving dupuis sounds like a desperate move to me..However those 3 played a ton together. No 4th line whatsoever again though. What was the matter with downie on crosby's line? I thought he opened up some ice for him and played more north and south.
Reply 10 replies0

Joe Tomlin8 hours ago
Agreed, this game should give some insight into their character. Bounce back in a big way and everyone calms down. I'm with you on Downie, but there is plenty of time for that experiment as well. As for the timing of the Hornqvist/Dupui­s switch, when else would have have done it? Any hockey coach worth his salt knows not to mess with a good thing. The team was riding a ridiculous wave, and they rode it all the way in. After a pounding, MJ has a chance to tinker. Besides, Kunitz-Crosby-D­upuis is a known commodity, and Hornqvist was slated for Malkin's wing from Day 1. The only reason he started the season with Sid was because Geno didn't play in training camp.
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Jeff Bush7 hours ago
I actually like the move joe...hornqvist played great with malkin i thought...we will see if it works...I think it's a good thing....I am NOT a fan of adams and wish he be benched for payerl...
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Del Scott7 hours ago
If those 3 have played a lot together, how is it a desperate move then?
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Jeff Bush7 hours ago
HOWEVER is the word you are missing del...Because in the coaches decision he won't change a lineup even if a player has a tumor? Really? Did maata have to play up until his surgery or even against buffalo? I guess a tumor isn't a major problem it seems if maata must play and not harrington or dumoulin or chorney? That is called no faith in the your younger players.......e­ither that or there not so highly touted as everyone seems they are....
Reply 6 replies0

Joe Tomlin6 hours ago
Can't agree with you here, Jeff. I think the lack of changes was two things. 1) You don't mess with things when you're on a hot streak. 2) You want to give players a chance with an entirely new system. They are only 15 games in. I guess MJ thinks it's time now. And remember that MJ is an ex-GM of a great minors organization - you know he's pulling for the new kids. They WILL get their chance, don't worry.
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Jeff Bush6 hours ago
I don't see why no one gets any PT it's early in the season i hope you don't wait till the playoffs? I understand where your at with the coach and where he coached BUT you gotta use the system sometime....Tha­t theory should have been thrown out the door when crosby said himself no one came to play? If that's the case and JR said the negative has got to be ridden of then sit some of these vet's if you don't come to play...They did that for 5 yrs now and yet not one coach will bench a vet like adams or scuds for a different look or attitude....Ins­tead we get the bylsma shuffle...
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Joe Tomlin6 hours ago
Again, one game does not a season ruin. You're right about having 'the kids' get PT, but we have 67 more games for that. Look for them to start dropping in during the 'dog days' of the schedule when they're running ragged. I'm thinking MJ and JR have a plan there...

As far as Scuds and Adams go, have you noticed that Scuderi has looked pretty darn solid so far? Maybe it's because MJ puts him in a position to succeed. I know a guy who predicted this... Adams is a different issue. He's played 300+ consecutive games; it'd be hard to justify benching a PK minutes man, with little 5v5 time, for any valid reason. Maybe MJ is hoping he gets hurt or sick or something, but I get not wanting to sit him. That said, I still wish he was sitting...

Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
LOL,.... Teams don't start to bench players bc they got smacked around in one meaningless game on the road nonetheless.. And after that team got embarrassed by a bottom feeder the game before... Sitting Adams or Scuds at the moment is moot considering nobody in the AHL is gonna play better and considering both have played well to this point it's not deserved.. If you're upset about Tue game and the D maybe direct your anger to the D pairing that was abysmal and that was Ehrhoff and Bortuzzo, or maybe 87 and whoever else skated back to their own end lethargically while on the PP and gave up a goal. Moving these lines around is nothing more than a way to get Geno going bc it's obvious to everyone with vision that Comeau on the 2nd line isn't cutting it.

Bernie Peitz5 hours ago
Obviously Maatta's situation isn't that serious!!!!! If it was he wouldn't have been playing nor would he have been wanting to ride the stationary bike 3 days after being in surgery.. It's been a week and he's already skating and more than likely returning in 4-5 days, so...
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Jeff Bush4 hours ago
I'm no dr bernie but if your playing a guy with a tumor you have absolutely no faith in WB....Also the ranger game was a calling for different players obviously with the no shows who didn't want to play. I am glad the bylsma shuffle happened and if you really think scuds is better then any dmen in the minors? Then ALL those picks were a waste of picks. For one thing chorney looked better than letang, erhoff, and depres, scuderi in the preseason for his physical play. Why he's not here? Ask johnston cause he has no reason to keep putting scuds or adams in every game. Maata got a chance..Imagine if he didn't? It's sad you actually think letang or even martin is better then dumoulin or pouliot cause i for one thought you new what you were talking about and now i don't....So keep playing them and paying those vets big money...while they waste the talent in wbs for scrubs like adams and scuderi. OLD washed up veterans.....Si­gn them both for another couple years....Pathet­ic.
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Joseph Guglielmo12 hours ago
It's early in the season and they have to work all of these guys to be able to play with each other. Dupuis has been successful with Crosby. Malkin needs more help and this will also add a more scoring winger with Sutter. They needs 3 lines capable of scoring.
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Paul Schobel12 hours ago
I like the move balances out the lines. The goal is to get 3-4 lines rolling to put more pressure on not just make one mega line.
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Peter Stanick13 hours ago
panic mode
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Joe Tomlin8 hours ago
Your response is panic mode. This moving around lines is called COACHING HOCKEY.
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Stan Wasik8 hours ago
Don't try to reason with positive Pete, Joe
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Tom Wagner13 hours ago
Lose one game and Johnston panics. Their top line has been the best line all season. Strange
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Joe Tomlin8 hours ago
See above comment to Peter. This is NOT PANIC. This is tinkering because MJ can. This was a move that should have been made in the preseason but Malkin didn't play.
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Stan Wasik8 hours ago
Panics? Seriously? You and Peetie should get together.
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John Davis18 hours ago
This is very disappointing news. I have been a fan of coach Johnston; but I don't
Iike this move at all. Bylsma always tried to balance the team to help Malkin be more effective by putting the better wingers on Malkin's line. No offense to Dupuis, who is a good hockey player; but he is not a 1st line player & he would not be with any other team. Bylsma wouldn't even try Iginla or Neal on Sid's right wing. This 1st line with Hornqvist has been playing a terrific brand of hockey (other than that last game). Why would they change it now?
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Joe Tomlin10 hours ago
Slow down and re-read your comment. 'Putting the best winger with Malkin' is EXACTLY what Johnston is doing. Hornqvist is a straight-line guy and Malkin needs one of those. Yes, he worked great with Crosby - he'll also work will with Geno. This is not panic. This is an attempt to improve the team.
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Bernie Peitz6 hours ago
Duhh.. If Malkin always had the best wingers then why was 87, 9, and 14 the best line in hockey in 2012-13? Why was that line duplicating that until Dupuis went down last Dec?
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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

14/11/2014, 19:45
… Adams will pass Jordan Staal for the second-highest consecutive games played streak in Penguins franchise history when he appears in his 303rd in a row.

Adams... C'est quoi un un 'Iron Man' des fois? Sinon un joueur jamais ciblé... Avec raison! Sans vouloir manquer de respect aux Iron Men ciblés...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

15/11/2014, 02:43
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

15/11/2014, 11:37
Oui on a gagné, on a eu plus de shots, Dupuis a bien joué mais dans l'ensemble je suis déçus de notre match, aucune cohésion, les passes tous croche, plusieurs revirement et l'avantage numérique atroce. 2 seuls point positif est notre désavantage numérique et notre goaler Greiss qui a été excellent. Va falloir sortir plus fort au prochain match parce qu'on affronte encore les Rangers qui nous ont blanchit 5-0 le 11 novembre...
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

15/11/2014, 19:52
Wtf? A date... 3pp pour les Rags contre aucun pour les Pens. Crisse ça leur tente pas de jouer leur game au lieu de tomber dans le panneau?
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 00:07
Lol! Les 3 étoiles étaient annoncées lorsque le but des Rags en SO fut revu et refusé!
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 01:50
J''avais changé de poste immédiatement après la fausse victoire des Rangers, je pensais halluciner quand j'ai vue le pointage opposé une demi-heure plus tard sur nhl.com lol
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 02:28
Barfman la fille que t'a en avatar elle s'est trompé de chandail, voilà le bon Wink lol

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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 02:30
Merci! thumb up
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 02:30
rockstar a écrit:J''avais changé de poste immédiatement après la fausse victoire des Rangers, je pensais halluciner quand j'ai vue le pointage opposé une demi-heure plus tard sur nhl.com lol

Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 02:39
Merde je ne peux pas l'utiliser comme avatar!
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 02:47
Barfman a écrit:Merde je ne peux pas l'utiliser comme avatar!

Pourtant je viens de l'essayer pour voir et sa fonctionnait pour moi mais t'es pas obligé de l'utiliser non-plus j'ai mis ça pour rire lol
Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 03:03
rockstar a écrit:
Barfman a écrit:Merde je ne peux pas l'utiliser comme avatar!

Pourtant je viens de l'essayer pour voir et sa fonctionnait pour moi mais t'es pas obligé de l'utiliser non-plus j'ai mis ça pour rire lol
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 22:53
Bonne article qui défini bien Olli Maatta mais pour le titre on repassera...

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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

16/11/2014, 23:01
rockstar a écrit:Bonne article qui défini bien Olli Maatta mais pour le titre on repassera...

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J'ai rien contre les jeux de mots mais Maatta dire que celui la est digne de RBS. down
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

19/11/2014, 13:23
Mauvaise nouvelle pour Pascal Dupuis qui sera à l'écart du jeu pour au moins 6 mois à cause d'un caillot de sang découvert dans le poumon. On va lui souhaité prompt rétablissement, le plus important c'est qu'il retrouve la santé. Il sera encore une fois une immense perte pour l'organisation que sa soit pour ce qu'il apporte offensivement, défensivement et le Leadership qu'il amène à toute l'équipe.

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Date d'inscription : 14/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

19/11/2014, 19:04
Damnation! Crying or Very sad
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

20/11/2014, 14:07
La bonne nouvelle dans les circonstances c'est que malgré son problème de santé Dupuis va rester proche de l'équipe, Rutherford va lui donné un rôle un peu comme un assistant coach. Son Leadership sera pas de trop dans le vestiaire des Penguins. Déjà ce matin malgré la mauvaise nouvelle des dernier jours il était avec le DG à regarder la pratique des joueurs.

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Date d'inscription : 05/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

20/11/2014, 14:21
Petite anecdote sur Pascal Dupuis...

Un de mes amis possède une boutique d'accessoires pour animaux, dans laquelle il offre aussi des services de tonte, lavage, etc...   Cet ami ne connait absolument rien au hockey.

Un jour, Pascal Dupuis y amène son chien pour le faire tondre.  Il parle à la préposée et lui explique ce qu'il veut exactement, entre autres il ne veut pas que sa tête soit tondue car il aime que son chien ait une belle crinière.  Il laisse son chien là et s'en va.   Entretemps, il y a un changement de shift, ou whatever, et la préposée qui prend en charge le chien ne tient pas compte de la consigne et rase le chien au complet.

Quand Pascal Dupuis est venu le récupérer, il voit ça et est en beau tabarnak.  Mon ami sort donc de son bureau et va discuter avec lui, pour voir quel est le problème et comment le régler.  Il offre donc à Dupuis de le rembourser, et même de lui offrir un rabais sur sa prochaine visite.  Dupuis ne veut rien savoir, il lui répond qu'il s'en côlisse ben de l'argent, il voulait juste que son chien soit beau.  Il précise qu'il n'est pas souvent au Québec alors n'a rien à foutre d'un rabais sur une prochaine visite (qui n'arrivera sûrement pas anyway!).

Quand Dupuis s'en va avec son chien tout rasé, un autre client qui était dans la boutique, et qui a tout vu, explique à mon ami qu'il s'agissait de Pascal Dupuis, célèbre joueur de hockey des Penguins de Pittsburgh!
Date d'inscription : 25/02/2013

Parlons des Pens - Page 2 Empty Re: Parlons des Pens

20/11/2014, 14:47
Je le comprends d'être fâché s'il a une chose que je déteste c'est l'incompétence, même s'il en a un qui change de shift faut s'assurer que celui qui le remplace fasse la job comme il faut.
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